Classic Melbourne is happy to give you permission to post your event on our website, provided that such events meet the our Terms of Service as set forth:
- Permission to use our website is solely for the purpose of promoting your event.
- The said event has to be about or related to the performance of classical music and is of interest to the general public.
- You must first register with Classic Melbourne and receive a confirmation letter approving details about your event.
- To get our vote, treat the website with respect. Provide the required fields in the form and be descriptive, concise and accurate with the event details.
- Remember to limit your description to a single paragraph and re-size images to 350 by 350 pixels or less.
- Please note that you are responsible for your account and all the activities within it. We expect you to maintain a high standard of accuracy and presentation.
- Finally, you recognise that Classic Melbourne is not your editor and reserves the right to remove posts that are irrelevant, inappropriate or do not conform to the conditions stated above.