This extraordinary final program for the 2023 Season brings together two highly accomplished guest artists of the younger generation who are making great waves now they are back in Australia – the brilliant violinist Ike See, previously Assoc. Concertmaster of the Adelaide Symphony and now a core member of the tightly knit ACO, and solo cellist and lecturer at the Melbourne Conservatorium, Richard Narroway.
The program opens with Copland’s famous Vitebsk, a beautiful but brief work by the great American composer. We follow with the passionate and powerful Arensky Piano Trio No. 1 after having presented Arensky’s second piano trio in 2022.
And to bring the Season to a close, Schubert’s delightful, melody-rich piano trio was composed in the last year of his life – a testament to a beautiful and rich life extinguished too soon.
Thursday 2 November 2023 2pm & 7pm; MRC, Primrose Potter Salon
Duration: 2 hours (incl. interval) Please note, running times are approximate and subject to change.
TICKETS: Standard $77 ($59 Concession)
This extraordinary final program for the 2023 Season brings together two highly accomplished guest artists of the younger generation who are making great waves now they are back in Australia – the brilliant violinist Ike See, previously Assoc. Concertmaster of the Adelaide Symphony and now a core member of the tightly knit ACO, and solo cellist and lecturer at the Melbourne Conservatorium, Richard Narroway.
The program opens with Copland’s famous Vitebsk, a beautiful but brief work by the great American composer. We follow with the passionate and powerful Arensky Piano Trio No. 1 after having presented Arensky’s second piano trio in 2022.
And to bring the Season to a close, Schubert’s delightful, melody-rich piano trio was composed in the last year of his life – a testament to a beautiful and rich life extinguished too soon.
Thursday 2 November 2023 2pm & 7pm; MRC, Primrose Potter Salon
Duration: 2 hours (incl. interval) Please note, running times are approximate and subject to change.
TICKETS: Standard $77 ($59 Concession)