An all-Aussie night – a World Premiere of an unusual collaborative work, jointly written by renowned pianist/composer, Ian Munro, and didgeridoo virtuoso, William Barton, to a poem/script by William’s mother, Delmae Marion Barton. The story is a true one of the heart-warming connection and merger of Scottish and Aboriginal cultures in the Barton family history.
Delmae’s reading of her poem will be integrated into the work with the words along with images of landscape and some of her own art work projected onto a large screen. Ian and William will perform along with a string quartet and a novice group of nine Scotch Indigenous students who have been exploring didgeridoo and vocalising with William in several workshops. The concert will begin with two short works by Peter Sculthorpe, his String Quartet No. 12 “From Ubirr” with didgeridoo, and “Port Essington” a graphic sound picture of the bush and early settlers of Port Essington, for String Orchestra. Some of the finest young string players from Scotch College will join the professionals for this work.