Monteverdi’s Missa in illo tempore was first published alongside the celebrated 1610 Vespers. In its style, the Vespers is very much of the moment, whereas the Missa in illo tempore looks back to the great parody masses of the sixteenth century. Like the Vespers, the Missa in illo tempore is also conceived on a grand scale, and enthralls with its glorious tracts of sound.
Henry Purcell’s anthems offer a very different experience: small in scale but potent in their musical gestures.
Olivier Messiaen’s Cinq Rechants, loosely based on the Tristan and Isolde legend, is a garden of sensuous and virtuosic writing for 12 soloists.
Virtuosity is also a prominent feature of JS Bach’s Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied—a work which is no less than a dazzling three-movement concerto for double chorus.
Join us for this programme of choral works transcendental in their scope, variety and impact.
Bookings: or call 0409 802 892